[hider=Kyong Kyu Jin] [center][url=https://postimg.org/image/5z3rj87kr/][img]https://s17.postimg.org/ehd7nke3j/whitehair.jpg[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/][/url] [url=https://postimg.org/image/7g1sejzk1/][img]https://s16.postimg.org/ydvpgak79/Kyujinsignature.png[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/][/url][/center] [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 13 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Kyu Jin is quiet and sullen, preferring to keep to himself. He rarely smiles and almost never laughs, and seems to have no sense of humor. Though he keeps this a secret, this is because he's cripplingly anxious and very sensitive. He mostly tries to stay out of everyone's way, but he actually hates being alone and wishes he were able to make friends. Because of hiding his feelings so much, he's kind of lost his sense of honesty and will often lie just out of convenience. When talking to people, he tries his best to be at least minimally courteous, though he often comes of as stiff and cold. He's very easily flustered and often has to leave conversations after only a short while so no one catches on that he's shy. He spends most of his time studying and reading, occasionally practicing his hobbies like drawing and piano. [u][b]Background:[/b][/u] Kyu Jin is the son of a policeman and a librarian from Gwangju, South Korea. He was born relatively healthy, but had very pronounced albinism, giving him white hair and deathly pale skin, a stark contrast to the black hair and lightly tanned skin that his parents carried. His parents were reasonably middle class and able to provide him, his older brother Min Ja and his little sister Sang Hee with a fairly decent childhood. Kyu Jin and Min Ja got along very well, but Sang Hee was a sickly girl from birth and spent most of her brief life in the hospital, so she and Kyu Jin never formed much of a relationship. When Kyu Jin was around 5 years old, he started developing a strange ability to take on a form similar to steam. He hid this from his parents, afraid they would abandon him for being a freak. However, he practiced his 'quirk' in secret, eventually grasping the ability to change the temperature of his vapor form and use the ability for longer periods of time. Actually, his overuse of the quirk may have damaged his lung capacity somewhat, as he found himself growing short of breath much faster when under physical duress. His parents, who already had a sick daughter to take care of, assumed that all their children must be physically weak to an extent and didn't pay this much mind. When Sang Hee developed pelvic cancer at the age of 6, the Kyongs were forced to move all the way to Tokyo, Japan to access better medical care. Kyu Jin, who was 8 years old at the time, quickly picked up Japanese and attended school in Japan. It was noted by his teachers, even at this young age, that he had trouble communicating with peers and seemed hypersensitive and anxious. As a child, this was very evident and a crippling deficit that caused him to get picked on terribly by other children. But as he grew older, by the age of about 10, he'd learned to mask it under a sheath of sullen curtness. Sang Hee died shortly after she herself turned 10. Kyu Jin never really got to know her over the 10 mutual years they'd shared, and really only felt numb to the event. His parents, terribly grieved by the loss of their young daughter, made plans to move back to Gwangju with their two sons. However, early the next year, Kyu Jin's quirk was discovered by his school teachers after he got into a physical altercation with another student and instinctively took his Steam form to protect himself. Though his parents reacted very reasonably to this discovery, their son was forced to stay in Japan and attend Kosei Academy while his family moved back to Korea. [u][b]Quirk:[/b][/u] Steam: Activates at will, or involuntarily when enraged. Transforms Kyu Jin into a vapor-like form. He can activate this in less than half a second, meaning that he can use it as a defense mechanism against attacks. He can change the temperature of this form at will, ranging from a chilling 0 degrees Fahrenheit to a burning 250 degrees. Usually, he averages around 70 degrees, or room temperature. He floats about a foot off the ground and can rise as high as 50 feet. He can easily pass through solid objects in this form, but because of this he can not pick up or manipulate objects. He can only use it for a maximum of three hours because he's not taking in much oxygen when using the quirk and will eventually grow lightheaded or even pass out. It's also a drain on his energy, so he can't use it effectively when too tired or sick. [u][b]Talents: [/b][/u] -Kyu Jin is very good at drawing, is learning to play piano and can sing (though he prefers not to, as he thinks it draws too much attention to himself) -He played tennis in middle school and was quite good at it. -He speaks fluent Korean, Japanese and Cantonese. His first language is Korean. -He's a brilliant liar. [/hider]