[h2][color=DodgerBlue]Dante Mathers[/color][/h2] Dante ran through the city with a big smile on his face. He would usually hide his smile, but today nothing could stop him. He finally arrived at the gates and had to stop and take a few moments to let the magnitude of the moment sink in. He had finally made it here; he was finally going to start going to the academy! He was carrying a lot of bags, but they didn’t weigh him down much. He had a suitcase, two violin cases, a bag slung over his arms and another bag handing from his neck. He might have brought a few too many things, but he wanted to make sure he had everything he needed. He quickly raised his hand to his mouth as he realised he had been smiling this whole time. He was fairly certain that his sharp teeth wouldn’t be that weird here, people probably wouldn’t even be bothered by his smile. But it had become a habit at this point, he didn’t like his smile. But sometimes he couldn’t help it. He quickly made his way into the reception area, excited to find out where his room was. An idea for a song had come into his head on the way over, and he wanted to put his things down so he could write it down. He was handed a few sheets of paper as he entered the building. There were a lot of interesting and odd looking students here already, and he couldn’t help but feel a little overwhelmed. His short stature made it a little hard to make his way through the crowd, but he eventually shuffled his way through to his dorm room. Class A-4 Male. The building was a little complicated to navigate, but he eventually made his way there. He opened the door to see a few sets of bunks, they all seemed empty at the moment though. Dante was immediately struck with a wave of nerves. He hadn’t been totally prepared to make friends at school, let alone live in a room with 5 other people. He hadn’t even shared a room with a sibling. He shook off the nerves and tried to prepare himself for the arrival of his room-mates. [color=DodgerBlue]“Now where am I sleeping”[/color] He said in English as he looked for some indication. His Japanese wasn't bad, but it wasn't his first language. He always thought and spoke to himself in English. It was useful though, it gave him an excuse to be nervous other than just being nervous all the time. People might not like him as much if he was a nervous wreck all the time, so he had to try his best to curb his insecurity. At least long enough for him to meet his classmates. He glanced around the room and noticed his name on one of the planks. He glanced up to the top of the bunk bed, wondering just how he was going to get his things up to the top. For a moment he cursed himself for being too short, before he got his cases and put the handles into his mouth. He bit down, trying not to make marks too deep in the handles. He struggled to climb his way up, but eventually made it up. He dumped his bags on the bed with a loud sigh. The bed was pretty comfortable, so at least that was pretty good. He looked down to his cases to see that they each had a line of his teeth marks in them. [color=DodgerBlue]“Dammit”[/color] He muttered to himself in English. [color=DodgerBlue]“It’s not too bad, at least they are not very deep”[/color] But he quickly retrieved a book from one of his bag and began working towards jotting down a basic version of the song. He hummed along with his thoughts, trying not to be too loud