[url=http://fontmeme.com/retro-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161119/ad47adfe5501f6c5e76363e1f99df3a9.png[/img][/url] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As Lazarus walks through the school gates his heart starts pounding harder as he finally takes his first step in becoming a hero like his father. Lazarus takes a deep breath as he opens the door and walks inside, his heart beating faster. He heard the lively commotion of other students inside as he took a place in line for the reception desk, Lazarus the interior of the school. Kosei Academy was huge compared to his old school, it was a huge change that he liked because he had more breathing room. Lazarus studied some of the students and tried assessing their quirks, some of them looking like normal people while others looking rather bizarre to Lazarus. Lazarus also took a look at some of the girls also attending take a look each one of them, letting out a little chickle. [color=00a651]"This is going to be a good school year I can feel it!"[/color] He said to himself as he envisioned himself being a formidable foe as well as being popular with the ladies. Soon enough he was at the front of the line receiving his map for the dormitory and school. He walked away studying the map with one hand, carrying his duffel bag in the other. As he made his way through traffic bumping and squeezing in between people he reached his dorm. The door had 'Class A-4' printed on it, he opened the door and saw a boy writing in a book. Lazarus smiled at the boy and walked inside closing the door behind him, the room was pretty big and had many beds inside. He didn't think there would be this many people sleeping in one room, Lazarus looked around the room and saw that the bunks had plaques on them with names indicating who is sleeping in which bed. He saw that him and the boy would be sharing the same bunk bed. [color=00a651]"Whats up, the name is Lazarus, Lazarus Zale, and you are..."[/color] he said drifting off as he took a look at the plaque on the top bunk reading the name on it. [color=00a651]"Dante Mathers, nice to meet you"[/color] Lazarus said putting his duffel bag on the bed and sticking his hand out towards Dante. [@Sam12435]