[color=8493ca][h3][center]~Mine Onada~[/center][/h3][/color] [@Dannyrulx] [hr] Unlike the other students who were likely swarming towards the Academy, there was one student who while not taking her time, didn't seem to be in any particular rush to arrive. She walked through the gate, two bags slung over her shoulder and a suitcase in her hand with a cool, almost expressionless face as she crossed the gates into the school. She paid little mind to those she was walking alongside, as well as very little mind to the decoration. Filed away as unneeded for now. She had other things to think about other than trivial architecture, such as her dorm, her clothing, and making sure she got settled in correctly. Not to mention, making a few connections within the school and weeding out any troublesome students. So with set goals in mind, Mine made her way unassumingly towards the reception. Being both short and rather slim in nature made quite a few people unaware of her presence, or at the very least made them underestimate her. Which was just the way she preferred it. It was easier to accomplish things if you didn't make yourself a nuisance or known so much to others. Most students that did take note of her, were quickly thrown off by her curt and rather blunt manner of speaking as well as her somewhat aloof seeming nature. Unfortunate, really. She would have loved to strike up a conversation and get to know one of them a bit, but there was a time and place for everything. Right now, she needed to get to her dorm and collect her things in order...hopefully before her roommates arrived so she could do that with as little hassle as possible. Thankfully, it didn't take her long to reach reception. She was handed a map, a few other various sheets of paper, and a few other important things before thanking the receptionist and heading to the dorms. Getting there was easily enough, moving through the crowds wasn't that difficult. Arriving at the door, Mine pushed it open and took a quick look around. Unfortunately it seemed as if she wasn't the first one there. Ah well, not that big of a deal, but she wasn't going to be making small talk for the moment. She gave a polite bow to Tori Masui, and moved to find her bunk. She climbed to the top of her bunk after quickly finding it, placing her two bags on the top bunk whilst leaving her suitcase at the base of the bed for now. One of the cases, contained a laptop and a few laptop accessories. The other some basic notebooks as well as some reading material for downtime. Only when she was done unpacking her laptop and a few of her books and leaving them on her bunk, did Mine finally decide to speak up and return whatever greeting Tori would have given. [color=8493ca]"Tori Masui?"[/color] From a simple deduction with the information at hand, she could rightly assume this was Tori Masui, at least. She climbed down from the top bunk and walked over to her suitcase. [color=8493ca]"Mine Onada. I suppose we'll be roommates for now."[/color]