[color=8493ca][h3][center]~Mine Onada~[/center][/h3][/color] [@Dannyrulx][@sharksama] [hr] A mutant class with Avian traits? Well, that was blatantly obvious. Not exactly something that she was making an attempt to hide. Seemed as though Tori also had a laptop as well. Hmm, perhaps getting along with Tori would be easy, then? Judging from the look of her she would at least be fairly fun to be around. Maybe not the most fun to tease, but that had remained to be tested. For now though, she would form amicable relations with Tori, then. She seemed rather shy about it or at least unsure, so she wouldn't press the girl further about her abilities. Mine opened her suitcase, taking out a few articles of clothing and setting about putting them in the wardrobe. Most of her attire consisted of casual business attire and the odd swim-suit looking article or two. [color=8493ca]"Curious,"[/color] Mine replied in response to the girls comment about the falcon as she set about putting her clothing up. Mine was not one to shy away from small talk unless she was busy with something important, so she certainly did not mind letting the girl ramble a bit if she wanted. [color=8493ca]"I would think they would let you have it around campus as long as you would be able to take care of it and it wasn't a nuisance. Perhaps bring it anyways? It isn't like they can say no once it was here.[/color] Finishing with putting her wardrobe away, Mine closed the suitcase and left it on the ground near the bottom bunk before turning to give Tori a small smile. [color=8493ca]"Hmm...my Quirk?"[/color] She adjusted her glasses as she thought for a moment. There were a few ways she could go about showcasing it...but a little example would always be best, no? Raising one of her hands...Tori would suddenly find a large barrier form only a few inches in front of her, completely obscuring her vision of Mine from the other side. The luminescent barrier lasted only a few moments, as Mine didn't wish to show off more than necessary. [color=8493ca]"As you just saw, simply put, I am an emitter class. My body emits certain subatomic particles that I can cause to gravitate together to form into reflective barriers of certain sizes and shapes in limited range around me."[/color] That was about as in depth of an explanation Mine was willing to give, really. There was certainly a bit more to it, but it was the only information Tori needed to know. Just as she finished her little demonstration it seemed one of their other roommates showed up. The one she'd be sharing a bunk with, Margaret Flinkstein...well, she'd be lying if Mine didn't say she found her to be various levels of cute. Not to mention, she just liked the look of Meg for whatever reason. Hmm... [color=8493ca]"Mine Onada. Pleasure to meet you, Meg. We were just telling each other what our quirks were."[/color]