[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161108/52c1ad334de5fece8bd8dcac2c4ea801.png[/img][hr][hr][url=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/369c49a4c0767694608f9e64533b52b1/http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj364/LightAngeles/Snow/white_haired_anime_girl_by_evermoredragon-d4iows1.jpg]Ami Eindecker[/url][/center][hr][hr] Ami climbed out of a cab which had stopped just outside Kosei Academy and waited as the Cab drive fetched her luggage taking the time to look over the buildings that were soon to be her home while attending the school. The diver was cheerful as he turned to bid her farewell then he blanched and scurried into his car because she appeared to be smoking because of the humidity when in fact she was creating a denser layer of moisture into fog. Then sighing she grabbed her bags and headed in through the gates. She followed the directions to her room she’d draw up before coming here after careful study of the floor plans provided in the brochures. She knew the stares she was getting were because she liked wearing sparkling clothing because it hid the ice crystals that sometimes formed on her. Soon she was walking through the door to her dorm room and stopping just inside the door and looking at the bunks and matching them with their Wardrobe numbers. Finding her’s she walked over and checked to see that the heater had been installed so that she wouldn’t annoy her roommates by dropping the room temperature. Good they had used the same mattress and heater combination she slept on at home so she wouldn’t be subjected discomfort as they adjusted the padding and heaters she thought as she tested it by dropping down and bouncing on it with her but and giggling. She was so happy to be here because it gave her more time to think about where her life was headed without parental love and pressure.