[HIDER=Garin von Sturm][CENTER][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/608d99cb2c4283fe6ee1ed42990cf9a9/http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll195/msxlooser/anime/troy.jpg[/img] [i]Hast du eine Zigarette?...I need vun right now...[/i][/CENTER] [center][b]Name:[/b] [b][color=black]Garin[/color] [color=ed1c24]von[/color] [color=fff200]Sturm[/color][/b] [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 182cm [b]Weight:[/b] 75kg [b]Nationality[/b] German [hr] [b]Personality:[/b] Despite his seemingly harder outer shell, he is actually quite the laid back individual, that is, unless you get to know him in which case he is quite the handful, laughing and carrying on. Sometimes needing to be told "shutup" just so some sanity is kept. His father taught him how to be a gentleman and it is shown in his actions and simple gestures. Actions speak louder than words in his morals and values and will treat those accordingly. Now, if and when he overloads himself with energy and hurts himself, his mind seems to rewrite itself for a short period of time and he can take on just about any personality or persona and when it wears off, have no recollection of what had happened except for whatever blowback follows. He has master the art of apologizing because of this. [hr] [b]Background:[/b] Garin was born in Germany, but raised in Japan because of his fathers job requiring him to travel. At the time, his father had been given a promotion requiring him to move to Japan when Garin was only 6. The move was hard for his parents but he was young enough to worry more about playing and being a child. Japan was an interesting country, its culture and people were very different from what he remembers Germany being like and the expectations were even higher. It didn't take long before Garin had gotten into his first fight and it was over something that was insignificant but enough to show him where he stood amongst those around him but this never stopped him from trying to be the best. He thrived in school for the most part and joined sports in the meantime. The language was hard sure and the people were a bit harder on him but he found the right group and hung around them for a time. It wasn't until the age of 9 did his quirk kick in when he was in school. He had the flu and didn't feel good, requesting to go to the nurses office. When Garin had gotten up to leave, his body seized before he discharged his first pulse, shutting the school's electricity off for a minute before it came back on but that would be the least of his problems, the kids around him needed medical attention. Some had gotten nerve damage from the blast and others ended up in seizures or convulsions. His parents were called in and told he would no longer be allowed to go to school because of his ability being a bit dangerous. Instead an alterative was given, Kosei Academy. Garin's parents agreed to this and he was transferred quickly. [hr][hr] [b]Quirk:[/b] [u]Blitzkrieg (Lightning War)[/u] Garin has the natural ability to create electrical currents and fields. What aids him in this is due to a couple things. His body's natural electrical current is well above the normal human and this is also possible thanks to the body's ability. He is able to create his own electricity however, this can cause heavy strain on the body as too much will shut him down or send him into a seizure. Sturm can generate large electric currents by way of a highly specialized nervous system that has the capacity to synchronize the activity of disc-shaped, electricity-producing cells packed into a specialized electric organ. The nervous system does this through a command nucleus that decides when the electric organ will fire. When the command is given, a complex array of nerves makes sure that the thousands of cells activate at once, no matter how far they are from the command nucleus. When activated, it releases around no less then 1 volt per cell equaling to more than one million volts. It is enough to stun an enemy or send them into muscular convulsions if not death depending on the health of his opponent. He has learned slightly how to advance this ability to shoot out a wide and branching arch of "lightning". Unfortunately it is still in its developmental stage and needs a lot of work but it works similarly to a tesla coil striking at a metal rod but with less accuracy. [b]Talents:[/b] Garin has been classically trained in the violin, cello and piano but prefers the violin. He does play the guitar as well but mostly as a hobby. He does have a little bit of hacking knowledge. While in japan he has taken up martial arts so he does have some hand to hand experience but just enough to get by.[/center][/HIDER]