[center][h2]Ryu[/h2][/center] [hr] After going through a list in his head for what jobs he has to do later, and other necessities in case to buy if the cafeteria served bad food/expensive meals. The mobster starts going over what were the different rooms and such...hoping that one of them actually said kitchen and training facility of sorts. Might as well work on his ability quickly before doing whatever their teacher wanted them to do later. Going back to the two dorms first, he heads inside to the boys quickly to grab a bag of chips hidden in his bunk. He flat out ignores the other two who were there, not really there to make friends but to get his friends out. He looks at the two very carefully...then hurries off with his bag. He noticed the girls' dorm's door ajar a bit and shrugs. Again, he didn't really care for the others so far. None of them seemed like important individuals nor people who would flat out kill him on sight. He would much rather head back to the main lobby to finish smoking the minty candy cig in peace. [@pkken][@Sam12435]