[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LmE2MmI2NC5SbWx2Y21Wc2JHRWdRV2QxYVd4aGNnLCwuMAAAAAAA/vampire-kiss-demo.regular.png[/img] Interacting with: Bruno [@KaijuBaragon][/center][hr] At her question, the tall boy thought about it for a little before giving his answer in a very intriguing way. Bruno’s voice revealed an accent of his own, one Fiorella had no experience with. During her time in Baldwin School she’d encountered different kinds of classmates with different types of ethnicity and accents: Chinese, Japanese, Colombian, German… But in all her time she’d never heard this one before. From the moment she’d laid eyes on him she’d noticed he had some foreign features to his handsome appearance, but she couldn’t put her finger on where it came from. Might as well ask, right? Fiorella gave him a charming smile, revealing a set of straight, pearly white teeth. [color=mediumvioletred]“Thank you so much for that. It will be super helpful for me.”[/color] she said softly, extending a delicate hand in his direction while the fingers of the other played with a strand of her curly golden hair.[color=mediumvioletred]“I’m Fiorella by the way. Fiorella Aguilar. But you can call me Lela if you wish.”[/color] Again, her accent shone in the way she pronounced her name, last name and nickname. In other circumstances, Lela would feel a tad bothered by this, but at the moment she considered it played to her strengths. Boys found exotic women attractive, right? Her accent made her exotic, so she hoped this would help her case.