[h1]The Professor[/h1] The bell trilled loudly out, and Tori shrugged to her roomates. The map had said that all lessons would be taught on the opposite end of the huge building. She slipped her laptop into a messenger bag in case it was needed, before slipping on her headphones and popping some gum into her mouth. The students filtered into the room slowly he saw. The files they had were not detailed, but they did showcase the quirks and a little of the backstory of the individuals he would be teaching. Some were normal, lower-middle class families, perhaps slight troublemakers, but here due to the cost of the more prestigious schools. Some were here because despite almost everything being handed to them, they had consistently underachieved. Yet others… The professor stepped out of the air, his body juddering as he shifted back into matter. The class seemed shocked, as did most when they suddenly saw a man in a suit, tie and mask suddenly step out of literally nothing, and he bowed in the European way before speaking to Japanese. [color=7ea7d8]“Hello class A-4. My name is ‘The Professor.’ You may call me this, just ‘Professor’ or ‘Sir.’ I expect a great deal of you do not know me, and that is fine, because I don’t expect forgein superheroes to make a great deal of impact on other countries. In England, however, I am one of the most famous third-generation heroes of all time. My quirk, as I just demonstrated, is a little more complicated than simply becoming corporeal at will, but for now, treat it as such.”[/color] [color=7ea7d8]“Firstly, I would like to remind you of a number of rules. These are as follows. One: I expect no gum when I am within this classroom with you. I shall excuse you this one time, and if we are outside the classroom, you can chew it.”[/color] At this, he pointedly looked at Tori. [color=7ea7d8]“I will also not have harassment, teasing, bullying, or anything else you may wish to call it. The fact that I can be anywhere, at any time and be completely invisible should hopefully deter some of you from doing so. Ladies, take my solemn word that I shall never enter your showers.”[/color] A slight smile played across his lips as he finished the sentence before he continued [color=7ea7d8]“That being said, I do appreciate that boys will be boys and girls will be girls. I expect if you have arguments, and even fights, to not use your quirks to lethal effect in them, and I expect the older girls and boys to reign in anything you regard as ‘over the top’ behaviour. This is a lot of trust I have placed in you, do not let me seem stupid.” [/color] [color=7ea7d8]“However the one thing I refuse to tolerate is this.”[/color] The man stormed across the room and picked up the case in which contained the baseball bat from next to Ryu [@cloudystar]. After he had secured it, he calmed down, before finishing with; [color=7ea7d8]“Now then, rather than sitting in a dusty classroom all day, why don’t we meet outside at the area marked ‘jump activities’ on your maps, eh?”[/color] With this, the professor stepped backwards, and once again seemingly vanished to the students in front of him, as well as the baseball bat. Upon seeing them start to talk among themselves, he followed up with [color=7ea7d8]“Walk and talk ladies and gents, you should leave any gadgets behind,”[/color] before hurrying ahead to the area where they would see him next.