[CENTER][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/608d99cb2c4283fe6ee1ed42990cf9a9/http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll195/msxlooser/anime/troy.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1]Long Day[/h1][/center] [center][i]Open to Interactions[/i][/center] He finished up his cigarette just in time for the bell... Oh shit! He didn't have time to find his classes but luckily he did manage to find it. Once he entered, he sat next to [@Dannyrulx] a winged girl. Needless to say everyone's hair in the close proximity of him stood on edge, hers even more so. A few minutes went by before he turned to her and smiled, slightly nervous. She was cute and his faced blushed every so slightly. [color=0076a3]"Umm...Heya...Well, since we're going to be in the same class together might as well start to learn each other's names. My name is Garin. Garin von Sturm. What's yours?"[/color] He hoped she would answer, but wasn't sure if she would. After a moment however the teach made quite the entrance for himself, earning a gasp from a few people but not from him. More or less just wide eyes of interest. The Professor gave his speech, tactfully glancing at her before ceasing the bag from the boy he met. Without giving away his opinion via body language, he simply kept his neutral expression. [i][color=0076a3]'Guess he's the troublemaker of the class. Hope there ain't a fanbase for him. God I hope I don't room with him.'[/color][/i] he thought quietly to himself. In fact, he didn't even have a chance to meet his roommate. Time will tell supposedly. Now what had interest him was that they left their gadgets behind. He wondered if that was for his sake less he pay thousands for destroyed electronics. With another light cough he stood up and made his way out but stopped at the door and waited for the winged girl, gesturing for her to go before him. As he walked with the class he glanced over at her. [color=0076a3]"Mutant class? Pretty cool, must be fun flying without having to pay airfare, hmhmhm."[/color] He chuckled lightly. [color=0076a3][i]'WHAT KINDA CHEESY STUPID BULLSHIT WAS THAT! JUST FUCKED UP YOUR CHANCES GARIN! WAY TO GO![/i][/color] He cussed himself out mentally as he walked, deciding to place his hands behind his head, slight lean to his walk.