[center][hider][h2][color=f7976a]Rikka Mazaki[/color][/h2][img]http://i.imgur.com/mymKXXu.jpg[/img] [hider=more pics][img]http://i.imgur.com/z7GUxpl.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/KlIGjMj.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/pfryqp0.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/A2lJ7qw.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/5wiIKN5.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Nickname:[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height[/b] 5,1ft [b]Weight[/b] 85lbs [b]Blood Type:[/b] O negative [h2]Personality[/h2] Before the incident she was treated like a princess by her father and mother. She was sweet and cheerful but also had a different side about her. In house she would be a playing and acting like a total princess but outside she was just like all the other boys. Playing in the mud and acting recklessly. Her parents didn't really like it but eventually accepted the way she worked. After the incident she was a big cry baby for a long time and didn't really like to play outside anymore even though it was hard to do in the first place. She got a little bit calmer and got a look on life for a period of time. She decided to get stronger and less reckless so that she knew what she was doing. Her grandmother stood behind her all the time to help her along the way and that made her how she is now. She is overall very cheerful, kind, big bragger has a short fuse, sweet and very trustworthy. [h2]Biography[/h2] Rikka grew up with rich parents. There wasn't a day that she couldn't live to the fullest. She always got what she wanted and was always treated like a maiden but Rikka didn't really like to walk around in those fancy clothes that were really expensive. She always had to act like a real lady and follow dance classes and play some fancy instrument all that while she totally didn't feel like a lady. Instead Rikka liked going outside and play with all the other boys. Fight if it was needed and do reckless things. All her dresses and such got dirty off course so her parents would scream and yell at her to behave. Rikka understood, she had to keep these clothes nice but she would not refuse to stay inside and play like a girly girl. Instead one of her friends lend her clothes. She would dress up in the boy his clothes leaving the dress somewhere were it wouldn't get dirty. This would go well and all but eventually her parents found out and ended up just buying tomboyish clothing instead of frilly dresses. She often got into fights with way older boys by her big mouth. They would teach her a lesson or two by beating her up like a garbage bag. It would happen that she would get home with a blue eye or a broken bone but nothing could defeat her spirit. She got into fighting sports to get stronger so she could defeat those bullies and all evil. Eventually it went wrong. Way older people were hanging around the back of a supermarket and provoked her friend group. They tried to stop her from taking on teenagers but Rikka took the bait, she didn't really understand the way life worked. After pulling off her hat they noted that she was a girl and made fun of the group that the girl had the biggest mouth and the biggest balls. The other kids didn't take the mean comments but Rikka did. She got into a fight, after kicking one of the teeners her hair got pulled and she got a few kicks and hits but not much more. Her parents were getting groceries and noticed how reckless she was being. Rikka got pulled away after being scolded. Her friends had already ran away by the time. She apologised as she was being tagged along by the ear. The rushing off her parents didn't make them realise the watch out like they usually did. A car had hit the three of them. Her parents dead by the hit and she herself... A few days later she got out of coma and heard, her parents died. She couldn't stop crying, it was all her fault... She herself got out better than her parents. She had lost one of her legs but was still filled with deep regrets of having done such a stupid thing. It took her maybe months to get back to her usual life. She only stayed on the couch during that time, watching cartoons and sleeping day in day out. When she was able to walk again her friends took her outside some more and eventually she got out of that depression. She didn't take away the fighting but instead tried to get stronger. She wanted to grow so no one would get her down again. She learned multiple ways to fight and grew fond of her many sports. She won't make anyone die the next time she fights. [h2]Likes[/h2] Wrestling matches Western food Cute girls Muscles Money Sportive clothes MMA Fighting Touching others [h2]Dislikes[/h2] Needles Onions Peppers Spices Animals Insects Laziness Action movies Frilly clothing Small places Taller people Coffee Mean comments Swimming [h2]Skills[/h2] Breakdancing Judo Boxing Taekwondo Wrestling Acrobatics Running Cuddling Fire cooking [h2]Ability[/h2] [b]Violence doughnut: Level 3;[/b] [color=#0000FF]Increasing centrifugal force[/color]: An ability to increase the centrifugal force in her by 0.5 to 3 times. Centrifugal force, one of the basics when fighting, that increases destructiveness [color=#0000CD]Ultimate restrainment[/color]: Uses her maximale power to hold someone down with extreme force with any of her restraining moves. [color=#EA4C50]Disadvantages[/color]: The increased destructiveness and blows of her attacks result in causing an increase in accelerations, rotational velocities, and pushes from arbitrary central axes depending on the movements and arcs. However, due to the fact that her body is still a normal human body, increasing her destructiveness can damage her. For example, if she gave a straight punch at maximum force, she could fracture her bones. However, this can be avoided by using motions that are more curved. Her emotions also have an effect on her ability. When her emotions get the bad of her the ability will lose control and most of the time give max output on her daily activities. [h2]Other[/h2] [b]Relatives:[/b] Her grandmother and granddad [b]Possession:[/b] Prosthetic, MMA boxing gloves [h2]Themes[/h2] [hider=Way too many themes] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT4E76mb43M[/youtube] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7dXtrC_BdE[/youtube] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyJCjbXzcKcp[/youtube] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH16AoH6Wog[/youtube][/hider] [/hider][/center]