[@Deserted] No, I welcome any writer who steps out of the box. Heck, I will run with whatever you guys throw at me. This is what I absolutely love about these roleplays! The decisions that a character can make are endless. But I will say, if your character could potential lose their life, then yes I will warn you of that fate. But you can rest assure that Principality is far from wanting her dead. In fact, what you just had her do is the perfect opportunity to have her cross paths with Benji. To finally find out what happened to him. Which, if there was one character that Benji has had the least contact with, it would be Echo. And although he has talked to Rend face to face, he did have interaction with the man when attending to the neck injury Tahlia gave him. But with Echo, I don't think I have written much on how he feels about her other than at the very beginning and in the character relationships. So it will be quite intriguing to see how they interact. I don't why, but I have a feeling she might make him push a little bit closer to edge of insanity. We'll see.