[@Varicke][@Alisdragon911][@ineffable] Dorian, now satisfied with his cuffs stopped playing with his suit and gave his full attention to the trio before him. His steely eyes and sharp gaze bore into them as he waited expectantly. [i][b]"[color=7ea7d8]Well?[/color]"[/b][/i] he finally asks.[i][b]"[color=7ea7d8] What is it I can do for you?[/color]"[/b][/i] his voice soft and smooth, remains polite, but it's clear he is a very busy man. Clayton seemed to grow even taller and more intimidating. His grin spread wider and his muscles slightly tensed. He seemed to relish in the uncomfortable aura that grew in the air around them. Savouring the awkward silence, he seemed in no rush to go anywhere.