[color=lightsalmon][center][h2]Quinton[/h2][/center][/color] [hr] Quinton, noticing that the people were already attending to themselves, decudes to head off to the bar area to work on cleaing glasses. That and he could quickly grab the handgun if things get iffy. The butler continues the cleaning of many wine glasses and the like, tired a bit of dealing with problematic guests. That and he was considered a lad! A lad, is much more an insult in comparison to a gentleman. Then again, the lady is obviously drunk and wasn't in her right mind so he lets the insult of sorts slide. [color=salmon]"The only hunting quest is taking and capturing the assassin...if any of our valuabke customers need anything, I'll be attending to the bar here."[/color] [@ineffable][@Rusalka][@Rune_Alchemist]