Dorian answers Lunaria [i][b]"[color=7ea7d8]My dear, you are going to have to be more precise in your askings if you truly want answers. Why it would be presumptuous for us to assume that at any one given moment I could be fully aware of 'what in the hell'[/color]"[/b][/i] he mimics her words with a smile.[i][b]"[color=7ea7d8] was going on around me let alone in 'this' tavern.[/color]"[/b][/i] He smiles a well practised charming smile and his eyes light up as words come to mind. His voice dips into a sultry whisper and he moves closer to her. Eyes always locked with hers.[i]"[color=7ea7d8] Take this moment for example [/color]"[/i] He plays with his words as he speaks, drawing on their length and accentuating certain syllables. [i][b]"[color=7ea7d8] What is even happening here? [/color]"[/b][/i] He moves close enough that his breath can be felt upon her skin. [i]"[color=7ea7d8] What is even happening here?[/color][/i]" he moves back just enough so his bright smile can be seen and continues to whisper in her ear. [i]"[color=7ea7d8] Five present but only four alive. Strangers conversing in a hallway. Fear and arousal taint the air. Those with every reason to be alike are not while those without reason find cause to be. A heart beats slightly faster than its usual rhythm, a lady mindfully covers her ears. We stand amongst a violent aggressor yet another is at the ready and holds the means to kill. The searching and the found both not where they are meant to be. The individual strands of fate entangle a moment to memory when it is simply but that, a passing moment.[/color]"[/i] And with that he passes, gently pushing down the middle of the group, sliding past everyone. He pauses for a brief moment when he gets a small static shock from Knutik and glances his way. Ignoring it he carries on and moves to his room. [i][b]"[color=7ea7d8] Answer me all that and all my knowledge is yours if you have the hours to pry it from me, until then I must ask that you excuse me.[/color]"[/b][/i] Dorian who had largely ignored the rest of the group turns to address them all. [i][b]"[color=7ea7d8] I leave you in the company of my brother. He will see to anything you need and sort out scheduling and employment issues, I believe we need a keeper to distribute and collect the keys to the rooms. Good evening all.[/color]"[/b][/i] Dorian swung the door open casually as he entered his room. While the door didn't open extremely wide, neither did he attempt to obscure the view. There it was as clear as day, a glimpse into the mysterious room. Yet strangely, as soon as the large doors clicked shut behind him, closing against one another, no one could recall what they had seen. No matter how hard their memory may try to reconstruct the image, their ability to recall was met with insecurity, uncertainty and jumbled images from their past. It was a word lost on the tip of your tongue, that dream you just awoke from but can't explain. It was right there but at the same time unreachable. Time sought only to further erase the foggy memory, after a short moment they wouldn't even remember that they couldn't remember. Soon they simply wouldn't think on it anymore. You couldn't even feel it slipping away, it was there and then gone. You can't know what you don't know and you wont remember what you don't remember. The shade being what it was would linger on that unexplainable fleeting feeling longer than any of the others. But he too would forget that he forgot. That just left Clay standing there before them. He rolled his eyes as his brother left but brought his hands together to pop his knuckles as he looked over his new acquaintances.