[@Snarfulblast] The girl was overcome with relief more than anything else. Tension flooded from her as she put her nerves to rest and could finally relax. It was like she was finally free to breath now and it only caused her sweet innocent glow to brighten. [color=goldenrod][b]Thank you so much![/b][/color] She squeals to the barman. Taking her doll she sits it before her and starts whispering to it. [color=goldenrod][b]Where was I? Oh yea.[/b][/color] *mumbled whispering* [color=goldenrod][b]...and I ate his sweet too...[/b][/color] [color=goldenrod][b]...I left foot prints on grams good rug[/b][/color] [color=goldenrod][b]...didn't say nuffin when 'e got grounded...[/b][/color] [color=goldenrod][b]...kicked the cat...[/b][/color] then there was an awkward pause. Her face suddenly guilt stricken as the next confession was a bit harder to get out. She stammered with her words remembering fresh detail. [color=goldenrod][b]Told em I left my doll up the hill... [i]then I let them inside[/i][/b][/color] No sooner had the little girl finished her last word a creepy scraping sound begins clawing from every shadow. The darkness within the shadows begins to bump and boil as it gives way to a form. Slowly escaping the shadows vile scarecrows begin dragging themselves out of every dark nook and cranny into the taverns main hall. Crude leather bag faces on hessian sack bodies with limbs of bound sharp strong straw, these nightmarish creatures came for those who hadn't confessed. The taverns door swung wildly open, it was now anchored and strongly connected to its current location, the little girls world, and the laws of that world true and strong throughout the nameless tavern! It was the night of the Straw Man, and if you didn't burn away your sins they would come to take you away...