[center] [img] http://img13.deviantart.net/f8aa/i/2009/321/6/7/commission_hellblazer_fanart_by_ahbiasaaja.jpg [/img] [b]Name:[/b] John Constantine [b]Alias:[/b] Hellblazer [b]Species:[/b] Miserable bastard (Liverpudlian) [b]Power/Ability Set:[/b] Constantine draws his powers from occult magics, and his bond with the demon Nergal. Luck is forever in Constantine’s favour, but he serves as a dark omen to those near him, who are often befallen with tragedy and terrible misfortune. Beyond this, Constantine has powers of elementalism and conjugation, being something of a potent sorcerer. [b]Personality:[/b] A life of misery and isolation have left deep scars on Constantine, molding him into a self-loathing, cold-hearted shell of a man. Whilst John likes to walk on the wild side, living the life of a thrill-seeker, his rotten personality and lack of regard for who he hurts put him at odds with almost everyone around him, which is exactly how he prefers it. [b]Biography: [/b] John Constantine grew up in Liverpool, England, and had a troubled childhood. His mother died in childbirth, and his relationship with his father was rocky at the best of times. Morbid fascinations and a dark sense of humour made him something of an outcast, and he quickly became a notorious troublemaker. John had few friends growing up, but formed an almost brotherly bond with fellow rabble-rouser Gary Lester, with the two quickly became inseparable. They shared the same tastes in music, girls, and booze, and grew up to become the very best of friends. After a horrendous and messy stint in college, John and Gary decided to pursue their shared dream of becoming rock stars; forming the punk rock band ‘Mucous Membrane’. This was around the time that supers started emerging, and the world became exposed to realms that were previously thought the world of fiction. In order to bolster their career, the two friends began looking into stories of occult magics and faustian pacts; searching for a way to get ahead in the underground scene. Happening upon a copy of the Grand Grimoire, John and Gary decided to make a devil with a demon, in return for fame and fortune. John summoned forth the beast Nergal, but was unable to control him, which not only cost Gary his life, but also damned his immortal soul for all eternity. Nergal tried to claim Constantine’s soul as well, but John’s rage and sheer power of will forced the demon back into the abyss, severing their connection, but leaving a shard of the demon trapped inside him. Ever since that tragic day, John has tried his best to follow the straight-and-narrow, but what Constantine considers to be a pure life means very little in the eyes of most others. John set off in search of a way to save Gary’s soul, whilst working as a detective investigating the occult, with the further knowledge he’s gained upon his journey. John’s most recent travels have led him to the United States. [/center]