[h3][color=6ecff6][center]~Miya~[/center][/color][/h3] [@Cloudystar][@Rusalka][@xChrome][@DriveEMOut] [hr] Miya sighed, shaking her head. [color=6ecff6]"That would effectively be the same, Sir Quinton."[/color] She gave him a pointed look. She had heard of initiation rituals for certain secretive sects that called for drinking certain concoctions with odd properties, but none that outright were for killing the drinker. Simply put, this was absurd in every notion of the word. [color=6ecff6]"If it is death you think that I have a problem with, then you must realize that I do not. I do not fear death,"[/color] Miya hesitated for a moment, looking somewhat uncomfortable before continuing. [color=6ecff6]"Not that...I believe anything here is capable of fighting on equal terms with myself aside from my companion."[/color] She cleared her throat, holding a hand to her mouth before shaking her head. [color=6ecff6]"I apologize, Sir Quinton but I cannot and [i]will[/i] not knowingly or willingly allow my life to be taken."[/color] She looked over to Claudia, standing over her and then swiveled her head towards the other man that had offered his assistance. At this rate, she doubted she would be given permission from this persons to pursue this assassin...not that she particularly needed it. If he didn't give it, then she would simply go anyways. She had decided to hunt this assassin, and it was not something she would allow Quinton nor anyone to get in the way of her doing. Besides, the lady had asked for her assistance and she couldn't say no, and leave her with this other man. [color=6ecff6]"Now. You may either give me the information or not, or I will go regardless. The Young miss here has asked for my assistance, and I will not be abandoning her. If you intend to try and stop me, then you are a fool and I will do what I must to assist her."[/color] Perhaps a bit harsher than she needed, but this was not an issue she was going to back down on. [color=6ecff6]"If you have any other method of 'experiencing' death that does not involve me taking my own life nor involve allowing someone to murder me then I will gladly take it. Otherwise, I refuse."[/color]