Jameson watched as Claudia drank the poison and dropped dead on the floor then proceed to come back to life. It was a weird request but if that's what he had to do to earn Quinton's trust then so be it, no harm dying, ironically. [color=peru]"Ah what the hell,"[/color] Jameson took the shot of poison and drank it in one gulp, and a second later all he could see and feel was nothing. When he came to his senses, he realised that he was no longer in the cafe, but at where he was before being teleported away. He saw his companions fighting a mighty demon, one that's larger and stronger than any ordinary demon - one they tried to summon. Jameson tried to draw his guns to help them but he couldn't even move an inch, he tried calling out to them but it was as if he wasn't even there. His companions fell one by one until the demon reached the last, as it struck the final blow Jameson was blinded by a bright light. He opened his eyes and there he was, lying on the floor of the cafe like Claudia before him. Jameson got up onto his feet and took a deep breathe, [color=peru]"I rather have what I see after death be a nightmare than a reality."[/color] he muttered to himself. Jameson then cleared his throat and said to Quinton, [color=peru]"Well there's that, hope I won't have to go through that again but I highly doubt it. Anyways, seeing that you know more about these parts than us, what would you recommend us to bring along on our quest?"[/color] [@Rune_Alchemist][@cloudystar][@Rusalka]