[h2][color=lightsalmon][center]Quinton[/center][/color][/h2] [hr] Quinton actually laughs from the samurai knight's reaction. That and he couldn't stop laughgung for a while before collecting himself. He stands up straight again as he puts away the cup, and takes out a map to give them somewhat of a layout of the city. [color=lightsalmon]"I'd be crazy Madam Miya to not help you. Forgive me but this was just a simple test to see how you three are. Smart to not accept the obvious dosage but trusting me somewhat surprised me. Thank you for doing so Sir Jameson and Madam Claudia. However, you Madam Miya intrigue me...in a good way of course! The only loyalty I knew of is of a master and Servant relationship...please do indulge me in knowing more about yours one time please. We do have to wait for Madam Skylar though, she may have more information about this quest. As for location, I do not know the town that well unfortunately. Most of our supplies and such are provided to use via Portal Travel. Quite efficient too...so if you three wish for anything else or such, please feel free to ask. I do enjoy all of your company despite my harsh attitude...which I apologize once more for."[/color] [@Rune_Alchemist][@Rusalka][@xChrome]