[color=orange][h2]T.H.[/h2][/color] [hr] [color=orange]"Cool! Can't wait to work you three! I'll be sure to heal the ones who wouldn't mind being tickled, otherwise I'll be darn near to useless hehe. Then again, copying you guys' equipment and fighting styles shouldn't be too hard...but a pain and a waste of my occupation being a doctor. Besides, tickling is perfectly fine! You guys treat it as if it was poison...well most of you anyway. Hope to be of importance to the group hehe."[/color] T.H. does a bow to the cyborg ninja, the squad commander, and the other inventor. He does keep his eyes on the inventor for a moment and tickles her side a few times to wake her up. Tickling was also a good way to get one's blood flowing whether it was for healing or just waking someone up after all. He knew the ninja and the leader won't be happy with his healing ability through tickling but if they don't want it, he doesn't have to give it to them. Then he would just say that it wasn't his fault due to the problems of the others...he was going to do his best to help others but if the others don't want it, then he can't argue. Louis checks out his hands for a moment then goes to his wristwatch to make sure the Nano-Machines were at 100% capacity still...which they were of course. He still had his tools in his pockets in case he had to do a quick production trick, and still had his mimic tricks to do in case no one needed the healing. There were more to this tickler then meets the eye, and he would rather let everyone know he can tickle...for now. [color=orange]"Let's save a ton of lives today team!"[/color] [@Rekaigan][@Mr Allen J][@Haru Nyan]