[color=39b54a]"More than likely there are no civilians here. If not they'd be evacuated already less these 'ZAFT' guys are bigger monster than we gave them credit for."[/color] grumbled Hiling Care clearly making it out to everyone that she had no interest in talking about civilians. [color=00aeef]"Graham Aker launching!"[/color] Graham called as he launched himself in jet mode from the Sundown into the air as he grinned ear to ear as fire immediately came his way. [color=00aeef]"Oh this is more like it! Huh...no way! Enemy gundam in coming! Celestial Being!"[/color] Graham shouted as Paul looked to the air and growled as he launched forward. [color=0072bc]"I'm moving to assist!"[/color] Paul shouted as Graham laughed. [color=00aeef]"No need lieutenant. THIS IS MY FIGHT!"[/color] Graham called out as he launched himself forward out of the area by himself. Paul considered catching up to him but this wasn't part of the plan. [color=8dc73f]"Don't worry I'll help him!"[/color] came Witz who flew out to assist Graham. In the distance he did see an enemy unit jet approaching but was it really a gundam? [color=fff200]"Lieutenant don't get distracted!"[/color] Stella said snapping Paul back into action as he flew back down narrowly avoiding a rocket shot that would've taken a large chunk out of his energy supply. [color=00a651]"These ants need to die!"[/color] growled Hiling as she launched from her spot into the air her main weapon already charged she immediately blew away two large buildings murdering the ZAFT units with brutal efficiency. Those who did not die in the massive surge of red energy were crushed beneath the large chunk of buildings. The remaining Zaku panicked and opened fire wildly as the fell back towards the tunnels. [color=39b54a]"This is Grant I'm sending my injured guy back into the Sundown his suits fried. My squad will stay back for a bit."[/color] Grant said as his fellow pilot grunted that he was sorry for failing his captain. [b]"Captain doesn't want to hear that stuff shut up and just deal with it. It's clear we got a big advantage."[/b] grunted the female pilot as Grant acknowledged the line saying he was more worried about his old friends than missing a few seconds of action. [color=f7941d]"Um will Mr. Graham be alright?"[/color] Puru questioned.