[b](Prologue - Part 2) [Inner Colonies - Space Station Colistis - Year 2557 - Universal Time: 10:45][/b] The sound of heavily armored footsteps upon the metallic space station floor could easily be heard as Commander Andromedai swiftly made her way out of the Spartan Operations wing and towards the main elevator that lead to docking bay A through G. A few UNSC members she passed by couldn't help but stop what they were doing and stare at her unique and fully customized armor. One of them excused himself in the middle of a conversation and started to follow Andromedai, quickly entering the elevator by the Commanders side. As soon as the doors shut with a soft hissing sound, the soldier began to speak. "Commander Andromedai, I hope you do not mind but I have a question that needs to be answered. You see, I heard a rumor that ONI is putting your old team back together, team Rogue Seven. Now, what I know about this squad is that you were some of the best out there, asked to carry out special missions. Something is happening isn't it, shit hit the fan somewhere and ONI is bringing you all back huh? So my question is, as you can guess, what the hell is going on out there?" Andromedai was silent for a moment before speaking, [color=00aeef]"If I told you I would have to shoot you shortly after, when ONI feels like disclosing the information with everyone, that is when you will find out. Word of advice, mind your head and don't ask too many questions when it comes to Spartans, better off that way for everyone involved."[/color] The Soldier sighed in frustration, "Somethings never change do they? fine, I will keep my head down." With her left hand, Andromedai lightly patted the soldier upon his head as if he were a dog, "Good boy." With those final words, Commander Andromedai stepped out of the elevator and made her way to docking bay [A33] where Colonel Icarus was waiting for her and the rest of Rogue Seven. It would only take a few short moments for Andromedai to find docking bay [A33] and the Icarus's ship that was being prepped for departure. [color=00aeef]"He chose to get himself a Charon-class light frigate over a battleship?"[/color] thought Andromedai to herself as she stared out at the massive ship with the name NOVA painted along its left side. Walking down the hallway that lead to [A33], Andromedai noticed that Colonel Icarus was nowhere to be found, [color=00aeef]"He must have already boarded."[/color] It was about that time that she noticed that no other Spartans had yet arrived, then again she did tend to show up quite a bit early for missions briefings and the such. Pushing forward, she arrived at the airlock that lead into the ship, two heavily armored and armed guards stood on either side of the doorway. As soon as she approached, they opened the door for her and informed her that Icarus was upon the deck of the ship. They would repeat this action with every Spartan that showed up. "Welcome Commander Andromedai, I am Nesalla, Colonel Icarus's personal AI assistant aboard the ship. The Colonel is currently awaiting you and your team's arrival upon the deck of the ship. Follow the illuminated signs, they will guide you to the deck. If you need any help, please feel free to ask, that is one of the reasons I am here." This was the first thing Andromedai heard when she set foot onto the Nova. The ship's AI was a modeled to be female and looked oddly familiar to another AI she had seen during training. When Nesalla had vanished, Andromedai followed the illuminated signs and arrived at the ship's deck a little while later. Colonel Icarus was in full uniform and greeted Andromedai the moment she set foot onto the deck. "Glad you could make it Andromedai, I just heard that the rest of Rogue Seven will be here shortly, then we can begin our assignment." With a nod of her head, Andromedai acknowledged what Icarus had said. "All systems are green, we are fully prepped and ready to move out at a moment's notice. I have plotted our course with the star-chart given to us from ONI. Systems are telling me that it will take us ten minutes to reach ONI base Obsidian, I will navigate us through the asteroid field and to our objective, there is no need to worry about any danger." Andromedai gave a quick thumbs up to Nesalla who returned the gesture. All there was to do now was to wait for the rest of Team Rogue seven to make their way to docking bay [A33] and to board the Nova.