Ladies and gents, I have been sidetracked by RL problems. Normal action to resume tomorrow. [quote=@Shoryu Magami] [@Dannyrulx] A few things have come up, as well as a couple of personal preferences on my end, that might result in me not jumping into this after all. I've already told [@Pudding] about the situation to some extent, but I plan to finish my character sheet regardless because the idea I've got in mind is honestly cool enough to use elsewhere even if I don't tag along -- that's what happened with the two other character sheets I've made on this site so far. I can still PM it if you want to see, but overall I'm making this sheet for my own sake now. Back to work for me, but I figured it was only right I update you on my status. Edit: Also, from what I can tell this role-play has a lot more emphasis on the school life element as opposed to the 'school for superhuman people' element, which might not work with how I tend to role-play, and I don't want to end up creating problems. Reducing the characters age by a couple of years was no major problem even if they definitely made more sense being a little older, so that detail's not an issue. [/quote] No problemo. I'd like to ask you to stick around for just a little bit longer if you're concerned about a lack of focus on the 'superhero' part of the school, because the next part will be all about quirks and powers.