Hiya, Gowi! I'll definitely be writing a character for this, and playing them if you'll have me around. As a self-proclaimed psychonaut and student of philosophy, this particularly new idea of the VRMMORPG being less of a game and more of a new reality really intrigues me. Though, I do have one question! [quote=@Gowi] A normal hour in the real world could therefore be the equivalent of days or months in the synthetic world and people can feel like it is less of a time-sink like traditional VR products or MMOs of the 21st Century.[/quote] I have a fair bit of experience with recreationally taking substances that messed with my perception of time, making a few minutes feel like forever (going to do something that barely took a few minutes, I'd come back and feel like I had been gone for a while, asking others if I'd been gone for long), and one of the things I most particularly remember is how hard it became to recall things that happened the day before a trip, even if it was just yesterday. It was like trying to remember what I'd done a month ago. So, as you might be able to guess, my question involves the idea that days or months could be passed in-game for only a few hours in real life. Would this have effects on players in the real world, such as making it hard to remember things, feeling old, etc., or do you have a workaround? EDIT: For the record, I do not advocate drug use. Mandatory disclaimer.