[center][h2][color=OliveDrab]Tobit Broflovski[/color][/h2][/center][center][url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=211511810]outfit[/url][/center] [color=OliveDrab]"...Marco, that's not that I said at all."[/color] Said Toby, sounding rather annoyed through his weak, rattling breaths. [color=OliveDrab]"I just said that I didn't want to take his inhaler in case I'm getting the flu or something, you know?"[/color] He was kind of slipping back into his aggressive mask, but was trying not to snap at anyone. Looking around, he seemed to have garnered some concern from the classroom. He flinched, not wanting to be the center of attention, especially if the cause of that was pity. He'd been pitied enough in his life, by teachers and classmates alike. It was even worse than getting bullied, in his opinion. Granted, he'd been bullied before. A lot. But still, getting beat up wasn't half as humiliating as being talked down to by a peer. Toby sighed heavily, raising his hand and leaning out of his seat slightly to be seen behind Maria. [color=OliveDrab]Mrs. Wiley? Can I be excused to the bathroom, please?[/color] He asked quickly, trying not to break out coughing again. His entire chest hurt, and it felt like his airways were closing up. But the last thing he needed was for that to become more evident. [@LostDestiny]