[@POOHEAD189] Goooooooood! Just a couple of things: With his mother being a Nord, you're good just putting "Nord" in the race bit. If you could flesh out his personality a bit more that'd be awesome too - it's a great start, just looking for a wee bit more detail. Maybe say how easily he trusts people/makes friends, or the difference in his personality between cool people and not-so-cool people? For his skills section, the handed part and the blade/blunt part are like... one skill. I don't think I've explained it very well, but as he uses a Battleaxe, his skill would be Two-Handed Blunt. If it were a shortsword, the skill would be One-Handed Blade. So, if you stick Two-Handed in front of your Blunt and Blade skills, you have room for one more skill. And finally... WHERE IS MY PUPPER???? Oh, and if you take the periods out of the [.hr] bits, the formatting will be all fixed up too.