“I agree with finding them near a graveyard. And yes, likely a really old graveyard. They're likely to be raising an army. Also, you should not underestimate his followers… they may think they're gods and they're not too far off. The last time the Council faced them his followers proved to be well more than enough to handle. I shudder to think what they've become by now, if all of them are still around.” Melvus’ thoughts trailed to memories of the horrors the necromancer band had caused in the past. “We must remember that they don't just have the dead on their side… ghouls and the black court answer to them as well. Hopefully Mavra isn't going to be present…” [i]Yeah, and maybe I'm going to find a cure to cancer…[/i] The alchemist rummaged through his pack and came out with a few vials and a large beaker. He set them in front of himself, floating in air. Well, floating wasn't the right word. They were sitting upon a surface, but it wasn't a visible one. Melvus had created a kinetic table the same way one would have created a kinetic shield. He used this as a field work table. He mixed the chemicals, silver nitrate and sodium hydroxide, both in water solutions and then in the large beaker. After both solutions met they formed a dark precipitate of silver oxide. He stirred and added another vial, of ammonia, to the mix. After a few minutes of stirring the silver oxide had completely dissolved again. Using another, smaller, beaker he poured a small amount of sugar to the mix and stirred until it was completely dissolved. He replaced everything in the bag, in their proper compartments, leaving the new solution out. He poured the solution that he'd created onto the kinetic table, the table was revealed to have lips at its edges to prevent liquid from rolling off. He pointed his staff below the table and whispered, “Infirno” and a small jet of flame shot out and lit the stone sidewalk beneath the table. After several minutes the silver began to cling to the surface of the kinetic table. Melvus turned the table over, allowing the remaining clear solution to spill onto the stone sidewalk on Langtry’s property. The result was a mirror attached to the kinetic table. The table, itself was rather large about eight feet one way and four the other. The alchemist tapped it and forced a bit of will into it while thinking of his lab in London and it appeared in the mirror. He'd created a direct doorway to the place. “Mirrors are dangerous and I'd like to drop this one and the one back in my lab as quickly as possible. Please step through and you'll come out of a door mirror in my London lab. Once I go through my link to this one will break and it will shatter and when I cross through I'll cover the one in the lab and throw it outside.