[center][h2] [color=orange]Scorn[/color] [/h2][/center] [hr] Scorn merrily skipped her way down the hallways to the hangar. By now most ignored her odd ways and didn't even give a second glance to her. She kept a leisurely pace to her skipping, counting the seconds in her head. While she might of worked for Talon for the time, she didn't always enjoy being called like a dog on a leash, so when told to meet up in a given time frame, she normally was one of the lasts to arrive, still in the given amount of time, even if it was normally cutting it close. Scorn also knew it irritated Reaper to which gave her all the more pleasure of doing it. She held some respect to the leader of their little group of misfits but that was about it, most of the time she avoided the skull masked leader. Like usually she entered to find herself one of the last to make it the group."Still a minute to spare," Scorn sang merrily to herself as she found her own chair to sit in giving an eerie smile to all there ",Well what a merry party this is indeed." She looked around at the others. Viper she enjoyed through his style could of used work especially know since it looked that whatever work he had going on had decided to come to the meeting as well. Sanguine was decent, fine to talk with if she was bored and her mind decided to stick together for a bit, but he had those dull senses of morals that she could never get behind. Medix was her favorite perhaps of all the others in the group, having some enjoyment watching what she did even if she didn't understand it all. Then finally the robot, Heliox. Scorn still was unsure, she had no real love for the Omnics, and the fact it seemed entirely loyal to Talon made her not stay much around it. Undying loyalty just wasn't her cup of tea and eventually she assumed this deal with Talon would end but for the present moment onward she was stuck with them so she had to play nice. "So what's the operation? Time is ticking," Scorn asked with a smirk tapping a long claw against her other wrist.