[hider=Athos] [center] [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/d4d4/i/2014/067/d/6/bw_dark_by_chouette_e-d79ds4x.jpg[/img] [h3]Athos du Vallon[/h3] [/center] Appearance: his hair is a deep red that's almost black and his eyes are an amber color. His face is sprinkled with freckles. Age:21 Height: 6 foot 3 Weight: around 150 (tone but lean muscle allows him to be underestimated) Personality: fluctuates between prickly and cold. He doesn't put up with much but will not hesitate to send out a sarcastic barb in a tone that doesn't give away that it's sarcastic. History: Athos did not know much about his parents. What he did know was that his mother practiced dark magic and they both died when he was a baby. He was taken in by what he thought were normal people until he started to show promise with strong abilities at a young age. What was odd is that while he was skilled in a wide range of magic he was more a witch then a warlock. A surprise that caused curiosity in the coven members. As he got older he grew in power and found he did not actually like being a part of a coven. Something that did not make the coven member happy at all. After all, this has happened before...with his mother. He decided to leave taking copies of spells and a few originals of spells as well without the coven knowing. He was 17 at the time and had already excelled enough to be able to leave his country and go to America. Now at 21 he has his own [url=http://www.diffen.com/difference/Bar_vs_Pub]Pub[/url] That and he also has memorized those spells and learned how to do abilities without needing to speak the spells aloud. He also seems to have a soft spot for animals...and he seems to be more neutral. Not siding on the fully just good spells but not fully in black magic either. Other: -Athos does also get and sell spells on the side. Some say he gets spells from his mother's old connections but no one really knows but him. -He has a knack for healing but also moving objects -He also owns two crows. One white crow named Snape and one black crow named Sirius. Both have small 'bracelets' on their legs. He seems to understand them. (Note: he doesn't actually. More like he raised them so he has a tight bond) Species: Witch [/hider]