[hider=Michale Auger] Name: Michale Auger Photo: [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/Young_blond_man.jpg[/img] Age: 86 but he looks 20 years old. Height: 5'7 Weight: 147 Pounds Personality: Michale is very carefree and wanting to enjoy life as best he could,He is masochistic and loves to be hurt laughing it off.He also loves to taunt his foe and wanting to piss them off.Michale also has a short fuse and is easily pissed by even by the littlest things. History: Michale was born In a Tornto, Ontario during the 1930’s living with his mother who is a teacher and his father whom was a mechanic. During the second world war he joined by lying about his age and being in the Western Front. However during a battle he was knocked out and presumed dead being rescued by a mysteries and turned by him. During his recovery he was sired by the mystery vampire who’s name he found out was Urian a german nazi on the run and soon the two of them became unlikely friends. After a few years they moved to West German after the war working at a music shop. However they had a falling out in the early 80’s and Michale moved the USA. Species: Vampire [/hider]