[center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mali%20Anson&name=Chris%27s%20Handwriting.ttf&size=50&style_color=D5FF00[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Public Records building [hr][hr][/center] [color=D5FF00]"Well,"[/color] Mali said, wiping off any errant dust that ended up getting on her clothes, [color=D5FF00]"since we're changing the current mission from 'Investigate Queensguard' to 'Investigate Danica's Murder,' I think our best way in would be somehow gaining Cecily Ashworth as an ally. As coroner, she works pretty closely with the police, which would net us both an ear on the wall on what Detective Roy is up to and potentially a first dibs on any new relevant case info. The big problem is actually getting her to help in the first place. But if we're going to look for her, the best place to start our search would be the Coroner's Office. Unless we're just going to sit outside of Boston Heights and wait for her to come home."[/color] Mali gathered together all of Peyton's case papers into the file, making sure everything was back into place before she tucked it under her arm pit. One quick check to make sure her hair didn't catch any dust like a human feather duster and she was ready to get out of this building. Good thing too, much longer and she'd have a hard time keeping her eyes open. [color=D5FF00]"I wouldn't suppose you would have a bunch of trench coats and shades, would you?"[/color] she jested. [color=D5FF00]"It would give the explanation more credence. I could go full Matrix and get a blue and red pill as well. Well maybe not a pill. Maybe a couple of M&Ms. It would be a lot cheaper."[/color]