[center][h1][color=dodgerblue]Flashover[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Michael frowned suddenly at D-A's response. [color=dodgerblue]"Aw geeze, guy, I wasn't even thinking. Didn't mean anything by it, promise."[/color] Mike regained his cheery grin, nodding, as though the matter were settled. He hoped he hadn't offended the cyborg too much. Mike was just feeling hungry, and wanted to finish eating. Michael hadn'teven considered the fact that D-A couldn't eat anymore, he merely assumed D-A ate whenever he wasn't looking. D-A looked away, relieving Michael of the awkwardness of his unintended slight, though his attention was drawn right back toward the cyborg, but this time to the smaller figure of Zhi-Ya, who was currently slumped against D-A's shoulder. Suppressing a grin, Mike turned his gaze away from the pair. While he was used to the concept of a terrible sleep schedule, having spend three years in a firehouse, it was still somewhat cute to see Zhi-Ya's smaller frame slumped against the cyborg body of D-A. With a quick turn, Michael snapped to attention at the sound of the Overwatch leadership entering the room, to give a briefing. Michael listened intently, enthused to learn his position in Robin's squad, and that they were being sent out on their first mission. He could hardly stay in his seat as excitement practically radiated from his person. Michael caught the smile Robin tossed his way, and responded by grinning ear to ear, and giving an enthusiastic nod. As the briefing came to a close, Soldier 76 asked for questions, and Michael spoke up. [color=dodgerblue]"Oh! What's the mission? Uh, sir!"[/color]