[hider=Arclight] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/n28guwS.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b]: [s]Walter Livingston[/s] David Chandler [b]Alias[/b]: He has yet to earn a name for himself. His callsign though is "Arclight". [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Nationality[/b]: British [b]Occupation[/b]: Former SAS [b]Team[/b]: Talon [b]Abilities[/b]: [list][*] Reconnaisance [*] Marksmanship [*] CQC [*] Survival [/list] [b]Neutral Ability[/b]: [b]Camouflage[/b] - He will enter tactical stealth after not moving from one spot for a brief moment. While firing and moving will make it decay quickly until he is fully visible again, he can fully charge a shot without it being seen. [b]Weapon Ability[/b]: [b]Fission Rifle[/b] - A unique weapon he stole from Volskaya's R&D lab during a stealth mission, now refitted to suit him. The rounds it fires are laser beams, allowing him to melt right through armor. The weapon can be charged for a single deadly shot or fired in a very fast semi-automatic fashion, however it must be charged manually. This weapon cannot deal headshots, and has zero recoil. It also does not work off an ammunition system, but rather an overheat system. [b]Special Ability 1[/b]: [b]Smokebomb [/b]- He can throw a smokebomb, obscuring vision of himself and his team mates. If it hits an enemy directly they will be halted in their movement for a short moment (not stun or cc). Classic Blackwatch technique. [b]Special Ability 2[/b]: [b]Sensor Traps[/b] - He can fire out a trap from his Fission Rifle. It will deal no damage, however upon being tripped, it will give vision of whoever tripped it for a long period of time. They are fired in a straight line as well, making them easy to set up. They can also be used to hit enemies directly, and it will deal the same damage as a half-charged shot. [b]Ultimate Ability[/b]: [b]Fission Overdrive[/b] - Every single shot is now fully charged with a firing rate of roughly 2 shots per second. This mode lasts for a couple seconds and ignores overheat during this period. [b]Personality[/b]: Walter, now David, has a dry wit and sarcasm, and has taken on a "money-grubbing merc" persona after joining Talon, but ultimately he is a thrillseeker, which was what led him to make the decision to join Talon to begin with. He still has the old sense of camraderie, but he rarely lets anything personal get in the way of his job. If he is required to shoot his team mate in the head he will do so, but unsurprisingly he has a double-standard in this case. He won't let someone do the same to him so easily regardless of reason. Even so he handles things with some level of professional poise, thus he works well in a team despite all things considered. [b]Biography[/b]: Walter was a distinguished soldier from his time as a member of the British Army, then moved to their black ops division SAS. He was a fine sniper, and skilled at stealth operations, assassinations, scouting, and so on. He was recruited by Talon during one of his missions in the SAS, to which he faked his death during. Upon joining Talon he was given an entirely new identity, as David Chandler to move among the people when necessary. He wasn't a man of loyalty to begin with, so his defection to Talon was out of something more exciting than working in the British Army's black ops. Upon joining Talon he was given basic training in some of Blackwatch's (and now Talon's) techniques, and refitted with some unique gear to suit him. His first mission was a scouting mission in Volskaya to get a lay of the land, as a prerequisite to a succeeding assault and assassination mission. During which he stole some tech, which he had personalized into his Fission Rifle. [b]Extra/Theme[/b]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-J10SjH_rI]Razormind[/url] [/hider] [hider=Cosmetics] [hider=Skins] (Epic) Lightning God - Blue-white schematic. (Epic) Greenlit - Black-green schematic. (Legendary) Jungle Light - A green ghillie suit for the jungle. (Legendary) Desert Glare - A beige ghillie suit for the desert. (Legendary) SAS Operative - His outfit before he joined Talon. [/hider] [hider=Emotes] Take a Knee - Gets on one knee, and fiddles with a knife. Well! What is it? - Step forward with arms opened up tauntingly. Watch this - A fancy trick with his combat knife. Amusing - A brief chuckle and a head shake. [/hider] [hider=Victory Poses] Casual - Rifle slung over shoulder. Going Home - Rifle slung on his back at a sideways pose. Locked on Target - Sitting down and looking down scope. [/hider] [hider=Highlights] From Way Downtown - Pans along the rifle before the camera zooms out facing the rifle at an angle as it fires. Confirm Kill - Starts with being shot by a beam of light and falling over. With obscured from-ground vision we see him jump down and pick up dog-tags off your body. See You Later - Pans up along his rifle to him, before he waves and disappears with his camo. [/hider] [/hider]