[h3]Chromite[/h3] Chromite remained mostly silent as Bloodstone's conversations with the other gems continued. She stayed nonchalant upon seeing the inexperienced gem threaten her commander, knowing full well that she couldn't make good on it. Even Chromite was a little bit taken aback by Bloodstone's unusually enthusiastic reaction, although true to form, she didn't show it. She remained stone-faced throughout the conversation. It was clear Bloodstone was very interested in trying to convince these gems to join them, and even though people skills weren't really Chromite's area of expertise, she felt that she should at least try. Commander Bloodstone had, after all, encouraged her to try to become more well-rounded in the past, and this seemed like a perfect opportunity even if it wasn't what Chromites were for. [color=darkgray]"I suppose this is where I come in, if nobody has any objections."[/color] Chromite interjected. She took a step forward so as to make her presence known and blend in with the background less. Her presence was the complete opposite of Commander Bloodstone's in this situation: straightforward and reticent, in contrast to her Commander's excitement. [color=darkgray]"If I may be so bold as to suggest, I think you should at least see what the Commander has to offer before turning him down. Living for so long on this planet may not have ever exposed you to significant danger, or perhaps you're just incredibly lucky, but I guarantee you, you're only putting yourself at risk by not letting us help you. At some point, all gems have to face situations that I'd wager you're ill-equipped to handle if you've never had any proper training from Homeworld. In addition, it appears that your friend here is very young, considering she doesn't even seem able to summon her weapon yet. If you care about your safety and hers, you owe it to yourselves to come with us, at least for the time being."[/color] Chromite hoped she had done the right thing and that this wouldn't frighten them off, but Bloodstone's cordial style wasn't getting them anywhere, and the larger gem seemed to think that he was hiding something. At the very least she'd be able to say she tried, and it seemed like this situation was already going south with or without her intervention. As she awaited a response, her thoughts briefly went to Bixbite. Should Chromite have been concerned that Bixbite never showed up or answered her call, or was she just in one of her moods? [@Raijinslayer][@Kronshi][@Veiled Angel][@Akayaofthemoon]