[h1][center][b][color=0072bc]D-A[/color][/b][/center][/h1] [b][i][color=0072bc]"Don't beat yourself up over it."[/color][/i][/b] The cyborg said as he slacked on his seat, changing to a more lax position. All of a sudden, D-A was shocked when a [i]thunk[/i] sound was made and he could feel something, or in this case someone, resting on his shoulder. The engineer even muttering something about Russians being bad gamblers, which made the cyborg chuckle even as the young girl was on his shoulder. It wasn't long however before all-too familiar silhouettes appeared and they entered the room in all their splendor. Somewhere inside his mechanical body, D-A could swear his inner fanboy swelling up just screaming [i]"squee"[/i] at the top of his lungs. Tapping Zhi repeatedly, but lightly on her head to wake her up, D-A fixed his sitting position to something more formal and less like he just came back from war and was dead tired. When 76 just spoke, D-A was just about to gush all over, he felt like he could explode and die happy. He was barely paying attention to what the soldier was saying, all that got his attention was Mercy turning on a screen showing the team rosters, and much to his dismay, looks like he'll have to butt heads with the infamous tickler once again. But hey, at least they were a pretty solid team nonetheless. He began to look over his team and if his face could flash a smile, he would be grinning from ear to ear, but he hopes that some flashing lights would have the same effect...Probably not. [b][i][color=0072bc]"Just keep your grubby hands to yourself. Got that?"[/color][/i][/b] He didn't even wait for a response from the redhead. The farther those hands were away from him, the better.