[CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/dtTqJ6r.png?1[/img][/CENTER] At midnight GMT on Dec 20th, 2018, a dimensional breach to various realms had opened, turning the world into a paranormal melting pot of monsters, magic, and everyday mundane life. A very small number of random people around the world suddenly gained miraculous powers. Of course, not all of them are immediately obvious, but they are there. You will be one of these characters. On the next day, a call came to each and every one of them. A female voice without inflection says simply [color=ed1c24][i]"There are others like you. They will come for you. Eliminate the competition if you want to survive"[/i][/color]. With that, they were left to their own devices. The powers everyone will receive are random; you'll be given some to choose from; for now, I am considering two for each person to start. They range from basic super strength to pyrokinesis to the ability to freely mutate oneself. I've tried not to allow ones that are considered overpowered. There is no total mind control or reality manipulation, although aspects of each (pheromones for instance) do exist. So far they are basic powers that you would expect characters to have in a comic book or a manga, but I am open to change if people would prefer abilities that are more strange/conditional. Give me some feedback, let me know. If you want to suggest a power please feel free to do so. Lastly, this an open "Sandbox" RP. Meaning this isn't going to be completely a mission-based RP. I won't throw an NPC at you and say "here fight this". If you want to engage NPCs, start flipping cars in the middle of a busy street or try to assassinate the president. You'll be sure to get some attention then. Unless you want it, the only time I will be manipulating you is to try to bring you to other players once in a while. This sort of RP thrives on player interaction, whether its combat or shooting the breeze. Players who connect with other players for good or bad will grow fast. There are rewards for defeating other players. There are rewards for befriending other players. This is an RP of hopes and dreams guys. Ambition here will get you far. Don't hold back. Become a vigilante. Start a cult. Try to take over the world. Cook a pizza with the power of your mind. Become a celebrity. Do science. Find the kid who beat you up in school and turn him into a newt. Every thing you do is your own choice. If you ever want to try something, just give me a shout and we'll talk. [b]Okahame City[/b] [HIDER][CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/KIU4KX0.png[/img] Okahame is a large sprawling city divided up into three major sections. The easternmost section is called Rise, the center section if known as Noon, and the westernmost section is called Fall. Each section is comprised of smaller districts, each of which have names the locals use, but generally they are referred to simply by number. From one through to five. So, "I'm heading off to Fifth Noon." is a common saying. There is also Outlands, which is the name of all the parts of the city that have sprawled past the boundaries of the original plans. The Outlands pretty much surround the sections on all sides. There have been talks and petitions to try and officially name it something more in keeping with the cities 'sunlight' theme[/CENTER][/HIDER] [b]Character Sheet[/b] [HIDER][b]Name:[/b] [b]Alias:[/b] Your character has only just come into their powers, they most likely will not have one yet unless they already showed the world [b]Age:[/b] Any age you want. You will be forced to roleplay it legit if you pick a toddler or a geriatric [b]Gender:[/b] Go for it. [b]Appearance:[/b] Use illustrations from anime/manga that are of decent quality. If you can't find one, I can help. [b]Biography:[/b] As long or as short as you would like. Not everyone is an orphan or the child of famous scientists. [b]Super Powers:[/b] To be added. [/HIDER]