[@DriveEMOut][@xChrome] Angelia sits on the roof, silently watching the blinking lights of Velorio down below. Her fingers reach for her communications unit and she types in a number that she had noted down a piece of scrap paper. "Hello, this is Angelia Coreman, Could you pass on a message to Vanessa please? Tell her that I would like to meet up at her tomorrow morning, 8am sharp at my house, I need to talk to her about the Parliament's plan on taking care of the rebels and need to meet her as soon as possible. Thank you." Angelia turns the device off and reaches over the edge of the roof, letting it drop to the ground below. She was scared that anyone could've heard her conversation with Samuel and she had to take extra precautions. When she saw the shattered pieces of black shiny plastic and the wires strewn across the concrete ground she sighed and resumed her usual spot, spreading her cloak down below her as a blanket and laying down to look at the stars. She manages to droop off into a nap not soon after, the wind stirring her blonde hair.