[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Morgbra [/color]& [color=ebc79e]Kayala[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][b]Location:[/b] Ancorhead Spaceport[hr][/center] Morgbra got to work as quickly as he could, cutting away what was left of the clothing so he could get a better look at it. [color=f26522]"What in the bloody hell did you do to piss off Strawberry? I thought she liked your ass. I mean come on, out of everyone here, people would have laid bets that if one of us was going to shoot the other, you would have been the one shooting me,"[/color] Morgbra said as he worked to quickly patch up Kordath as best he could before getting an arm under the man and dragging him off the side and out of the main line of fire. Hearing Jaina's words he took a deep breath. [color=f26522]"Yes little one I am sure that the commodore would be yelling all sorts of colorful words,"[/color] he said, knowing damn good and well that Jesmand would be livid right then, not at Jaina mind you but at the entire situation. It had gone from calm walk to death on a stick in one point five blasts. [color=ebc79e]"Don't worry doc, only one that is hurt so far is one of theirs, not any of ours,"[/color] she said into the com before making sure the Senator was safe and out of harms way for now. Peeking out from behind the stacks of crates she took notice of where everyone was, especially the one that for some damn reason Luke was demanding they not kill. Did he know her? Well she had shot one of the ones in her group, maybe she was just a hostage. Either way, Kayala just wanted to get this shit over with and get the Senator out of the this firefight. This though was the type of situation that Kayala was made for. Not an all out firefight with blasters mind you but she had a laundry list of skills that would be of use during something that didn't exactly require death, just detainment. Stealth was her greatest asset as she moved from one place behind the crates to another, making her way towards the girl. Athletics and coordination, not to mention being able to keep cool and focused during a situation like this, came in handy as she sprung out from behind Jaina, launching her shock whip towards the girl in an attempt to wrap around her chest and arms. If this worked, Luke would owe her big fucking time.