[@LiegeLord][@1Hawkeyes][@Mangrale][@jorthon][@Vampy] Kyle frowned at the question. It was a hard one. He didnt have alot of good memories. He had to think hard about the question. What could he tell them? [color=6ecff6]"I dont have alot of memories that are good. I wont say I have alot of bad memories just that most of mine or fairly boring. I guess my best memory would be when Ivy was born. I was looking forward to being a big brother."[/color] Of course that had been before he had known how much work his sister would be. [color=red]"MY BEST MEMORY... UMM... I HAVE LOTS! LIKE THAT TIME I CHASED A BUTTERFLY THROUGH THE WOODS! OR THAT TIME I CHASED A CAT UP A TREE! OR THE TIME THAT I STARTED I FIRE FOR SOME PEOPLE THAT WERE COLD![/color] Ivy told them as she bounced around the fire pit.