[@ineffable][@Alisdragon911][@Dark Light] Knutik blinked a couple times after being clearly pointed at. He quickly examined himself, his chest, his arms, he even spun around a few times trying to take a look at his back. [color=00a651][i]'Is there something on me? Did I break something again? Do I look too weird? Was she even talking about me!?'[/i][/color] his thoughts raced for a moment before he paused to see the dangerous lady grab the tall man's arm demanding answers. The shadow creature brought his hands to his face, peeking between his claws. That seemed like such a terrible move, what on... wherever they are... was she thinking!? He wanted to hide but he wanted to watch, he knew he shouldn't stay but the energy of violence was so tempting. The shadows on his back practically bristled with tension. Maybe he should intervene? Say something? Anything? This woman is so determined to get answers, sometimes there's just things you shouldn't know. What if her questions get her in trouble? Does he even care?