[@Synthesis]'s last post made me realise how punny everyone's names are. [hider=The skinny] If you want to lift the car, the Jackson the table. I Cerridwen you finish your chores you can have dessert. The lotion works really well if you put Edilon your skin. Pain is the Konstantin my life. I was Nir perfect, but then I fell on my face. Keefer away from the chocolate cake, she'll eat it all. Lenna me some money, I'll pay you back. Holla if you need help. Jiaca see you threw the glass. Talcri if you don't give me candy. Jethro the ball already. I'm tired of waiting. The sea was calm, then Abigale came threw and capsized the boat. (I hope I pronounced those right. some of them were hard to figure out) [img]http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/115/392/izjustagirl.jpg[/img] [/hider] EDIT: Also, It's thanksgiving week, so I might not post this week.