[center] [b][h1][color=ff0000]!!! - ATTENTION ALL UNITS - !!![/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/bUztNm97TWz60/giphy.gif[/img] [h3]The IC is now open! I repeat, the IC is now open! However, be advised, I suggest you read all three of my introductory posts before continuing, as they give you background context, and explain what the Powerbound Academy's layout is, as well as the rules of the academy and how it works. Use everything explained in those posts to your advantage, and flesh out your characters as soon as their introduced by giving their thoughts and reactions to everything that has happened in these posts (if possible). This will give us a good idea of what your character's like IC. Also feel free to have your character ask Headmaster Udina any and all questions! :D He'll answer them all in my next post, and I won't post until everyone has posted... but if everyone hasn't posted by next Monday, you'll be skipped![/h3] [/b][sub](( [@Mr Allen J][@Kyrisse][@Nallore][@Chaotic Chao][@Ashevelendar][@Prints Avoid][@LokiLeo789][@Chickn][@HecateProxy] ))[/sub][/center]