There was no impact. He would jerk awake soon, after some time impossible to distinguish. He would awake in a massive room with ceilings seemingly as far away as the sky, with black pillars reaching up and masses of jagged red glass hanging down like fireballs ready to fall. He would awake in a wooden chair, his arms bound down by leather straps. And he would awake with a few inhuman creatures around him. To his side stood a slender creature clad in dark armor, their face covered and with daggers hanging from their belt. In front of him stood the masculine one with face like cracked stone. And next to the masculine thing, sat the white woman from a moment before. She sat before him, leaning to the side, her legs crossed, in a throne of obsidian and red opal. A black cloak lay around her shoulders and her body, flowing about her like tar. She watched her bearer as he awoke, calm, collected, assured. "He's awakening, your highness," said the stone-faced creature beside her. "Yes, it is, isn't it?" she said with soft amusement. "It thought I was some surface creature gone mad, can you imagine that? "Very foolish, my liege." "Yes, I know. It was an interesting change of pace, though, very amusing." She smiled at the man in the chair before her. "Get up."