[quote=@Rune_Alchemist] [@Wasted Ink] I mean, that's how it should be. Regardless of whether there's a class for what she wants or not is fairly irrelevant. She's a scholar and academic by nature, and wants to learn everything that she can. To me, it makes sense that she wouldn't forgo learning how to wield a certain weapon just because she's learned magic, as that would also be a field of study in its own right. Of course, it [i]does[/i] depend on IC experiences. This is just the hypothetical path for her at the moment, and I am merely stating what she would do if there's not any major interference. [/quote] I understand what you're saying, and I agree. I guess what I'm thinking, is this: Since some Goblins, once they evolve into Hobgoblins, spontaneously began exhibiting magical traits, Isurta could do the same - that is, exhibit magical traits. From thenceforth, due to her studious and academic nature, she could began practicing, training, and strengthening those magical roots, all the while keeping herself sharp with her weaponry. Thus, no matter her evolution pattern, she still maintains her magical abilities and her martial abilities. From what I see, certain evolutionary forms enhances your magic, but anyone can use magic if it's already a part of their system. For instance, a [url=http://re-monster.wikia.com/wiki/Dhampir?file=Dhammi.png]Dhampir[/url]. They seem to be graceful and skilled with weaponry, and I'm sure that Isurta could still utilize magic from her Hobgoblin evolution, even if magic isn't necessarily a 'focus' of the evolutionary tree.