Juno woke up from to the ache in her back, considering the inns mattress weren't as comfy than what she can actually afford. The journey back to Valerio was more tolerable as it was an adventure to her, homme is were she is most comfy. [i]I should go buy new things for the home before I finally return.[/i] The centre from what she remembered was not too far from her house. Juno had many things shipped from her travels already, but her attire from the foreign seemed to be more behind compared to Valerio. She packed her stuff and made a move on. The lady would buy multiple of dresses and jewelry, having what she would not wear sent to her home. People would spare a wide eye when she had paid for the amount as her appearance was a bit crude. Changing from what was dirtied and torn up, she switched to a more elegant yet light clothing and a clean red cloak. Satisfied with how she looked, Juno looked around to see what had changed.