[quote=@Rune_Alchemist] [@Wasted Ink] Aye, if she can learn magic as a hobgoblin, I might have her just go the Dhampir -> Vampire Noble -> Ice Blood True Vampire. Although, if there would be more 'True Vampires' other than Ice Bloods, it'd be cool. (pun not intentional...hehe.) Or alternatively Dhampir -> Vampire -> ??? There's not canonically anything after a vampire, and it seems a bit like a dead-end rank. If there was something else after that it would be pretty cool too. Maybe make something up that compliments magic? I dunno. It's just weird for vampires not to be good at spellcasting to me. [@December] [url=http://re-monster.wikia.com/wiki/Rank_Up_System]Rank up System[/url] It doesn't have an extensive list, and some info is missing I think but this is probably the best one you're gonna find. [/quote] True. That's why I asked earlier if we could build off of existing trees. I also don't like how the Lord tree ends so abruptly. It'd make sense to have something beyond that, so that it isn't such a drop-off. Maybe a Vampire Acolyte [sounds magicky], after Vampire? And so forth. Maybe the ending class for the tree could be High Blood Vampire [somethingsomething] Edit: Oh, and I left my post open for anyone to join Xaal in his quest for Horned Rabbit meat.