[hider=Shepherd] Name: "Shepherd" Age: 35 Sex: Male [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f8/8a/64/f88a6436004ad15a91fc8031c120c2cd.jpg[/img] Race: Human Anarchist Bio: Shepherd is a total mystery to most people around him. His birth and early years aren't really the reason for that since he doesn't mind talking about his life. But the real reason for the mystery, however, is his name; Shepherd isn't the name he was given at birth and he never suffered amnesia or anything of he sort, which begs the question of why he never tells anyone his real name. Many people believe that it's because he deserted the Hunters early on in the wars to join the Anarchists in their fight against tyranny and oppression. This, however, doesn't make sense since there are no files containing his real name over with the Hunters (presumably since they were to busy fighting wars to keep record of everyone who fought for them in the early stages). There are rumors, however, that it has something to do with the reason that he left the Hunters in the first place. It was a regular day, only months after the initial attacks and open battles began to occur, when Shepherd's parents were suddenly and ruthlessly killed in action while presumably on a mission. What didn't add up, however, was the fact that the area where they had died showed no signs of creature activity in the days prior to the incident; but the most unsettling part of the whole thing was that he was told that they died on a mission. This was simply not possible since his parents were too old to fight and lived a peaceful life in their home when this all occurred, never even considering joining the Hunters. That's when he came to the conclusion that the Hunters had killed them; which confused Shepherd deeply since they always showed respect for the Hunters and even provided supplies to them when they needed them. Shepherd disappeared that very night for fear of his own life, leaving all who knew him to ask where he was and what had happened to him. Sadly for all those curious about him, however, every Hunter that was close to him and knew his name mysteriously died in the months following Shepherd's disappearance. He is now an active fighter for the Anarchists; not because of oppression or even revenge, but because he wants to find out what really happened the day that his parents died. He seeks to understand why the Hunters killed his parents when they posed no real threat to them or their ideology. The odd thing about all of this is that everyone knows his life story in detail as he's very outspoken and social with anyone who approaches him, man or creature; but absolutely no one knows his name. [/hider]