[color=335566][h2]Анна[/h2][/color] [i]'Uh... Я Джеймс Хардвик... Рад встрече с вами?' Apologies ma'am, Russian's not my native language. And you are…?’[/i][@gohKamikaze] He Spoke back to her. A brief waves of relief had washed over her. It had been a long while since she had understood someone so clearly. Her mind mettled slightly as to why he was chanting the strange words along with the little girl. Cloudy grey eyes peering at him as she formulated her best response in the only other language she knew and could understand slightly. [color=335566]" My name is Анна... You are? "[/color] She would ask with the same phrasing he did. Hoping she had it right as what he ment by the phrase. The scratching caught her attention first. [@Dark Light] Her ears twitching at every sound her eyes watching every corner until they first moved. Moved like fire they did and she quickly found herself hidden under the table at which she once sat. A slight whimper leaking from her as she pulled the hood up over her tightening its loose strap at once. A little girl seemed excluded from those the creatures chased. Agitated and fearful of the straw men who slowly reached havoc through the tavern. Nearer and nearer they got the more fearful she became of them. It was simple to say she couldn't overpower them on her own, she could barely escape from a footman if not for her friends help as a distraction. A white glimpse and familiar sounds led her to look up from her curled ball. The table she hid under only light shook off place from where it was. A large, white coated, wolf had made an entrance and started to attack the creatures. Beautiful it was like another she thought, yet unlike many others as it reminded her of a time she would rather forget.. So she watched it fight, pondering off into her own mind slightly before ice began to freeze some of the creatures. More and more seemed to just appear and she held down her shelter best she could. Over the racket her soft panicked breathing wouldn't be heard. Fingertips leaving grooves into the wood of the table.